Auto Commenter!

Auto Commenter was created especially for Zon Builder and Auto Updater wordpress plugins and it`s one of the most expected tools created in 2012! Auto Commenter is a really cool script, that will significantly improve your site SEO!
We all know about huge Google “improvements” like Penguin, Panda and others that destroy 1000`s sites in 1 moment. Millions of pages were removed from Google index because of not unique content. So the only real way to stay in business now is to make really unique content for your sites. Let`s imagine that you have a site with 500 amazon products (500 pages) so you need to create 500 unique articles to get all your pages indexed in Google. But it`s impossible to make 100`s of unique articles for each site moreover if you have not 1, but 10 or even more sites.
Sure we can create not 100`s, but only 10-20 unique articles, they will be successfully indexed and we will have the next situation:
a) Total pages: 520;
b) Pages with amazon products that aren`t indexed: 500;
c) Pages with our unique articles that are successfully indexed: 20.
As the result we will have the traffic on our site only through these 20 pages. And the only thing we can do about it is to hope that after reading our articles visitors will also view our other pages with amazon products. As you see the result is less than perfect
So what Auto Commenter will do for us?
The main idea of Auto Commenter is to make our posts unique and indexed by Google! How this tool will do it? Simply! It will just load 1000`s of comments for all our products and post them on our pages according to our schedule! So results will be the next:
a) Thanks to schedule feature we will have regularly updated pages instead of having static pages. So Google will see that our site is live;
b) Our pages will be filled not only with the default information about products (description, features, image and price), but with a lot of useful comments that will contain dozens of keywords related to our products.
As the result all our pages will be successfully indexed and we will have the traffic on our site through all 500 pages! As you can see the achievement is much more better than decribed above
Additional Auto Commenter features:
a) You can choose the minimum rating of comments you would like to be posted on your site. For example you want to get only really good comments about your products, so you simply set minimum rating 4 and Auto Commenter will post comments with rating 4 or higher;
b) Possibility to select the amount of comments you want to add for each product during the first launch of Auto Commenter;
c) Option for setting the amount of comments you want to post for each product on your site each day;
d) Opportunity to automatically spin your comments to get 100% unique content on your site!*
If you want to spin your comments and make them 100% unique so you must have your own Spin Rewritter account.