Auto Cleaner!

Auto Cleaner was created especially for Zon Builder wordpress plugin because of numerous requests from it`s users. Auto Cleaner is a small, but very useful tool for those who use Zon Builder!
We all know this great wordpress plugin that can create complete Amazon affiliate sites with dozens of products in minutes! So we decide to make it even more better!
So what will Auto Cleaner do for you?
I think that all who used Zon Builder at least few months faced with such problem: some products were removed from Amazon and when your users go through your affiliate link they see “The Web address you entered is not a functioning page on our site.”. Not good.
Usually you need to find such products manually and remove them from your site. Stop spending hours on this! Auto Cleaner will do it for you! All that you need is to enter your site information and activate it. After this our tool will get all your posts with Amazon products, check them and if some products are already removed from Amazon so Auto Cleaner will automatically remove them from your site. The whole process is automated – you need to activate Auto Cleaner only once. Then it will be automatically launched each week, check all your products on all your sites and clean already removed products.