Auto Updater!

Auto Updater is a fresh new revolutionary plugin that combines the whole our experience in one place! Let`s just compare our plugin with 2 other leaders in Amazon marketing:

auto updater


Short video that shows how to create a site in few minutes





Additional Information

1. “Adding new products each 6 hours” – when you insert the link for the first time our plugin gathers all products from it and posts them on your site in selected category. Then our plugin checks your link each 6 hours and updates all products: adds new products that have been added on Amazon and removes all unavailable products from your site. So the result is that all products on your sites are actual and moreover you always have a lot of new fresh products that have been added on Amazon in last few hours.

2. “Adding products with ANY kind of sorting, filters, etc” – We implemented ASIN Grabber functional so you can get much more target products now. For example, do you want to add to your site all “Jewelry › Rings › 4 Stars & Up › $25 to $50 › Gemstones › 70% Off or More › Free Super Saver Shipping” products? No problem! Simply insert the link you are interested in and our plugin will gather all products from it. More information can be found at ASIN Grabber official page.

3. “Checking products information in background each 6 hours” – our plugin checks all information about products that are already added on your sites each 6 hours. So the result is that all your products will always have actual prices, ratings, amount of reviews, etc. Also all these tasks are done in background, so it will never load your server which is very important.

4. “Advanced Duplicate Checking” – how do other plugins process dublicates? They check if you already have this product on your site and if yes, they simply don`t add it. As the result if you will create 5 categories and try to add all products from “Top Rated“, “Best Sellers“, “Hot New Releases“, “Most Wished For” and “Gift Ideas” you will get the situation when your first category will get 100 products, 2nd category will get 80 products, 3rd category will get 60 products, 4th category will get 40 products, etc, because there is a lot of dublicates in these categories. But we fixed this issue! Now if the script defines that this product is already added to any other category on your site, but it is still not added to your new category – it will not create a new post that will be a dublicate, but it will simply assign this existing post to both categories! So the result is that you will never have dublicates and at the same time you will have all 5 categories fully-filled with 100 products in each!

5. “Advanced Tags Creation” – as you may know other plugins don`t remove different symbols like (,),#,$, etc when creating tags. So the result is that you get 100`s tags like “black)”, “(size”, “model#”, etc. We fixed this issue too.

6. “Advanced ‘Skip Products If’ Checking” – with our plugin you can ignore products that don`t have description, features, prices, rating, images.

7. “Advanced Template Editor” – just check the screenshot below and you will see it yourself! With our Advanced Template Editor you can easily customize design of your site just in few clicks.

auto updater

8. “TOP 100 support” – do you want to add on your site all “Top Rated“, “Best Sellers“, “Hot New Releases“, “Most Wished For” or “Gift Ideas” products? No problem! Just insert the link you are interested in and our plugin will gather all products from it. More information can be found on ASIN Grabber official page.

9. “Strict Mode” – all we know that Amazon API does not always work fine :( . Up to 30% of information about your products can be lost because of Amazon API bugs (There was an error connecting to the Amazon web service, etc). But, with our Strict Mode you may not worry about it! Our plugin will force Amazon to give you full information about all your products! You will never find such feature in other tools!

10. “WP Super Cache support” – all we know this great plugin that generates static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog. After a html file is generated your webserver will serve that file instead of processing the comparatively heavier and more expensive WordPress PHP scripts. Usually you can`t use such plugins on auto blogs because the product information will be never updated. BUT you can use it easily on any site based on our plugin, because our plugin updates all product information in background!

11. “Content Rewriting support” – Auto Updater supports 4 different rewrite services: Spin Rewriter, The Best Spinner, SpinnerChief and SpinChimp. So you can easily rewrite all your products` descriptions and get unique content for your site automatically!

12. “Advanced Rewriting Mode” – all rewrite services have limits on amount of text that you can rewrite each day. So if you want to add hundreds new products on your sites each day you will face with problem that you can`t do it because your rewrite service doesn`t rewrite all descriptions of your products. But we solved this problem! With our advanced rewriting mode you can add up to few thousands products on your sites without any issues!


Social Integration

All products added on your site with the help of Auto Updater can be automatically published in up to 20 different social networks! Our plugin perfectly adapted to work with SNAP plugin. Be in touch with your followers!

auto updater


Advanced Statistics

Auto Updater creates a complete log of all actions so you can always view how many products on your site are there, how many of them were added in last few hours and how many products were removed from

auto updater


Single Admin Panel

We created a single admin panel where you can control all your products on all your sites in few clicks that is really cool for all who have more than 5 sites because we know from our own experience (we work with 100+ our own amazon affiliate sites) that it takes a lot of time to login on all sites and add/update products. It can take up to 3-4 hours each day, that is too much. But with our admin panel you can add/update products in few clicks on all your sites!

Special Offer

Get 5 ready to use amazon affiliate stores for $100. Package includes creation of 5 amazon affiliate stores based on your preferences, full access to Auto Updater for the further usage and a bonus theme for your stores.

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